Environment – Reducing NOx in the air
The only technology available that is able to effectively clean the air in cities and industrial agglomerations of air pollution, are highly effective photocatalytic surfaces, which can be created using multifunctional coatings FN NANO®.
Air purification functional coatings FN NANO®
Clever multifunctional coatings FN NANO® long clean facades and the surrounding air. They are very effective means against smog and pollution and other hazardous substances in the air. 1 m2 surface painted FN NANO® functional coating can, in one a year. clean three million cubic meters of air pollutants by 60% (with an average air flow 0.2 m / s and 8 pm daily exposure.
1 m2 surface painted FN NANO® functional coating can clean, in one year, three million cubic meters of air pollutants by 60%
Our functional coatings FN NANO® have an efficiency higher than 50% of the theoretical maximum photocatalytic coatings are the most effective in the world market. Our 2nd generation coatings outperform competitive solutions by over 100x.
Most common to air pollution concentration is airborne dust, which is distinguished by particle size PM10 and PM2.5 PM1,0 (numbers indicate the size of dust particles of micron size (1 micron = 1 x 10-6 m).
Clean air with functional coatings FN NANO®
Keep the building facade clean and clean the air surrounding it
10 year functional guarantee
Protects cities from the effects of engine exhaust
The energy needed is from normal sunshine