Please read this first.
This is a non-public page designed only for Ben, Petr and Pavel and your company which I have designated simply as as "C". the purpose is to educate you on FN NANO(r) in a way that lets you zero in on the topics you choose with the expansion segments just below.
Also, when I direct you to links, you can control-tab/cmd-tab to the independent testing, certification, graphic or photos that I think will help, and come back to this page. (Some is marketing, of course.)
The second section lays out some ideas on cooperation, how we have managed cooperation with organizations similar to C, and also some candid weaknesses on our recent approach and our goals for the near term.
One advantage for Petr an Pavel is that the tests are all done in Czech Language and not all are translated on the English site.
FN NANO® is a Paint Coating that is a top layer to be applied over a substrate (paint, insulation, brick, stone, wood, etc.)
- FN NANO® is a Photocatalytic Coating that
- Cleans the air from pollutants and harmful microorganisms, such as NOx, PM10, PM2.5, bacteria, viruses and volatile organic chemicals (VOCs), in addition to destroying many greenhouse gases (GHGs).
- Extends the life of the underlying paint or other materials 3 to 4 times by self-cleaning the surface, protecting the surface from microorganisms and UV Light damage, and removing the many causes of erosion that normally affects things like paint and insulation.
FN NANO® is not really an Abatement or Mitigation; it is rather a Solution and Remedy, because it cleans up and rectifies the harms of pollution and climate change gases. It is an environmental REMEDY
FN® does many things and there is a strong scientific basis for this activity that is supported in this section (link).
- “Photocatalysis: means that a reaction, or chemical change, is initiated by light. In this case, the catalyst is the Titanium Dioxide, that is the catalyst, or a semi-conductor because of how it works (with electricity) at the molecular level. Note that Titanium Dioxide or “TiO2” is the ninth most common compound on earth, and is used in food and paint; it is an inorganic and inert.“Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is a semiconductor, ultraviolet light (UV)-inducible catalyst in the photo-oxidation of organic substrates and deactivation of bacteria, algae, and viruses (Theron et al., 2008). *
- In TiO2 photocatalysis, when the UV light hits the surface, the TiO2 will be activated in a way that makes it pull away electrons from other compounds that come in contact with the TiO2. In this way it will BREAK APART other compounds because they are held together by the shared electrons. The result is the separation into simpler compounds.
- There are over180,000 Google scholar articles with the terms Photocatalysis and Titanium-dioxide. A great amount of study has been done to learn of ways to utilize this powerful – but affordable – cleansing activity of TiO2 for air and water, and many other situations.
Links to Titanium Dixoide explainer and applications:
- History, discovered in Japan 1967, while seeking to separate elements of water (H and O)
The first instance of photocatalytic coatings was in Japan where Mr Kobaijashi discovered the process and the reaction of UV light taking elelctrons from compounds. -
Principle, UV and Tio2 steal electrons from compounds, breaking the apart, dissolving them.
Scientific papers on google scholar
Most interesting targets of Photocatalysis
GWP gases
- History, discovered in Japan 1967, while seeking to separate elements of water (H and O)
Why? How? The coatings clean the air by stealing electrons – yes at the molecular level – and by doing this they break down the compounds since electrons are the glue that hold them together (in “covalent” bonding). FN NANO uses titanium dioxide, an inert mineral that is also used in food. This Tio2 reacts with UV light to steal the electrons.
Link Covalent bond – Wikipedia A covalent bond, also called a molecular bond, is a chemical bond that involves the sharing of electron pairs between atoms. These electron pairs are known as shared pairs or bonding pairs, and the stable balance of attractive and repulsive forces between atoms, when they share electrons, is known as covalent bonding.
On the website I list many Google Scholar articles that are reviewing photocatalytic coatings with Ti02 and you can see that there is a lot of science available. One such research here: Fighting global warming: The potential of photocatalysis against CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCs, tropospheric O3, BC and other major contributors to climate change “Highlights ► Photocatalysis can destroy all long-lived well mixed GHGs: CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCs, HCFCs. ► Photocatalysis can also eliminate short-lived climate forcers soot, BC, O3, NOx, SOx. ► Indoor and outdoor large scale local pollution remediation applications are given. ► Self cleaning coatings, paints and glass for urban use are commercially available. ► In the near future photocatalysis can help to fight global warming and climate change.”
Notably, 90% of the Tio2 photocatalytic coatings used in the listed and peer-review experiments were using the WEAKER, First Generation photocatalytic coatings and they still had positive results removing pollution and bacteria, but FN NANO is the only Second Generation of these coatings and it is so much stronger. We SHOW our tests on the websites but few others have any tests to show.
It not only cleans the air of pollutants (VOCs, NOx, Particle Matter, and many more) it also keeps the surfaces free of dirt, mold, microorganisms. It also breakdown harmful greenhouse gases like N2O and hydrofluorocarbons and replaces them with the less harmful CO2.
Thus is it a strong, Ecological product since it is sustainable (protects the surface so paint last 3 times longer) and it cleans the air from pollutants and greenhouse gases. Its great in small homes or big arenas, airports, hospitals as well as outside on big and small building exteriors. Just 15 square meters will offset the pollution from one diesel car for at least 10 years. (Our competitor from Italy, Puretti makes the same claim but his coasting needs over 100 square meters for the same result. )
- discovered in Japan 1967, while seeking to separate elements of water (H and O) The first instance of photocatalytic coatings was in Japan where Dr Kobaijashi discovered the process and the reaction of UV light taking eleltrons from compounds.
- Principle, UV and Tio2 steal electrons from compounds, breaking the apart, dissolving them.
- Scientific papers on google scholar
Most interesting targets of Photocatalysis
- Pollution
- Greenhouse Gases [strongest ones]
- Bacteria
- Microorganisms
- Odors
Why? How? The coatings clean the air by stealing electrons – yes at the molecular level – and by doing this they break down the compounds since electrons are the glue that hold them together (in “covalent” bonding). FN NANO uses titanium dioxide, an inert mineral that is also used in food. This Tio2 reacts with UV light to steal the electrons.
Link Covalent bond – Wikipedia A covalent bond, also called a molecular bond, is a chemical bond that involves the sharing of electron pairs between atoms. These electron pairs are known as shared pairs or bonding pairs, and the stable balance of attractive and repulsive forces between atoms, when they share electrons, is known as covalent bonding.
On the website I list many Google Scholar articles that are reviewing photocatalytic coatings with Ti02 and you can see that there is a lot of science available. One such research here: Fighting global warming: The potential of photocatalysis against CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCs, tropospheric O3, BC and other major contributors to climate change “Highlights ► Photocatalysis can destroy all long-lived well mixed GHGs: CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCs, HCFCs. ► Photocatalysis can also eliminate short-lived climate forcers soot, BC, O3, NOx, SOx. ► Indoor and outdoor large scale local pollution remediation applications are given. ► Self cleaning coatings, paints and glass for urban use are commercially available. ► In the near future photocatalysis can help to fight global warming and climate change.”
Notably, 90% of the Tio2 photocatalytic coatings used in the listed and peer-review experiments were using the WEAKER, First Generation photocatalytic coatings and they still had positive results removing pollution and bacteria, but FN NANO is the only Second Generation of these coatings and it is so much stronger. We SHOW our tests on the websites but few others have any tests to show.
It not only cleans the air of pollutants (VOCs, NOx, Particle Matter, and many more) it also keeps the surfaces free of dirt, mold, microorganisms. It also breakdown harmful greenhouse gases like N2O and hydrofluorocarbons and replaces them with the less harmful CO2.
Thus is it a strong, Ecological product since it is sustainable (protects the surface so paint last 3 times longer) and it cleans the air from pollutants and greenhouse gases. Its great in small homes or big arenas, airports, hospitals as well as outside on big and small building exteriors. Just 15 square meters will offset the pollution from one diesel car for at least 10 years. (Our competitor from Italy, Puretti makes the same claim but his coasting needs over 100 square meters for the same result. )
- discovered in Japan 1967, while seeking to separate elements of water (H and O) The first instance of photocatalytic coatings was in Japan where Dr Kobaijashi discovered the process and the reaction of UV light taking eleltrons from compounds.
- Principle, UV and Tio2 steal electrons from compounds, breaking the apart, dissolving them.
- Scientific papers on google scholar
Most interesting targets of Photocatalysis
- Pollution
- Greenhouse Gases [strongest ones]
- Bacteria
- Microorganisms
- Odors
Any medical situation opens up the chance of serious medical infection due to the exposure of unclothed individuals and internal fluids. These are locations where the ill come for treatment and thus logically, they have the most of what can cause harm. FN® NANO in the BioMax version is highly valued as the most useful and inexhaustible supply of protection against these severely harmful collections of pathogens, bacteria, viruses and infections
Perhaps the most unique variables found in the typical transportation building is the high number of humans passing through. It is considered second only to the venues for sports, theatre or music where high amounts of people are collected in one situation.
Of all the situations here, this is perhaps the most dangerous in our increasingly global growth and interaction. More and more travellers are increasing the risk of remote diseases spreading to new and more fertile locations. It is imperative that all tools should be used to contain what could be the next illness of epidemic proportions.
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We seek distributing partners around the world where we offer exclusive and non-exclusive distribution; this requires the entities to
– Pay a license fee (which is really a pre payment for an amount between 1 and 5,000 liters annually which comes with discounts.
In Czech Republic we have mainly worked in these ways
– We work with painting and remodeling companies that can offer FN as an additional product (up sell).
– We have approached institutions directly or through referrals, such as a school district that won an award for fighting coronavirus. In this case we normally recommend a painter firm, if they do not have their own.
Important to note here is our licensing program to educate the painter company and give them a certificate. Its a one-day course. (In global locations we must travel there at the entity’s expense). The education is important to teach the painter company what surfaces are best, how to apply (it takes some particular but easy instructions) and other information about the uses.
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- Photocatalysis has been actively studied since the 1960s, and Photocatalytic coatings have been used in volume for the last 20 years. Japan is the most active user (70-80% of total production) since 2002 when the SARs (respiratory) infection spread through Asia and they applied this tool on exteriors and interiors.
- However, all coatings that use the nano-size titanium dioxide have one main issue preventing them from exploiting the power of Tio2: they are mixed with materials like resin paints or even, cement, which BLOCKs most of the UV light from touching the nano tio2.
- FN® has solved this problem but inventing – and patenting – a binder that reverses this so that the Tio2 Coats the Binder and allows the Tio2 to receive much more of the UV light.
Please see the graphical depiction – and electron microscope proof – of this action, below.
- We can quantify it by comparing it to the activity of pure, nano-sized tio2 (i.e., “P25 Anatase tio2” – meaning 25 nanometers in size).This pure from is made so that it has the largest possible surface area at at the molecular level, allowing more of the UV light to interact with it.When we consider that this is the best possible type to react with UV light, (but impractical to apply to walls without a binder or glue), then we can say that this is the 100% strongest. The competition, mixing with paints and cement results in blocking everything and has less-than, 5% of the tio2 power.FN NANO® is, in contrast, over 85% of the tio2 power, and up to 95% for some of the variations of FN® that are produced
On the pages indicated in the drop down menu screenshot below, you will find independent tests, certifications, (conducted by official state offices such as the Building Inspection office), university research laboratories and private testing offices. There are also technical sheets and material safety data sheets (the MSDS are not public but if you need them I can send them). Here also are the patents. The patent is about the binder which allows for the Nano tio2 to be extruded, or to make it rise to the surface of the binder adhesive, making the efferct much more powerful.
Czech language Independent Testing
Why? How? The coatings clean the air by stealing electrons – yes at the molecular level – and by doing this they break down the compounds since electrons are the glue that hold them together (in “covalent” bonding). FN NANO uses titanium dioxide, an inert mineral that is also used in food. This Tio2 reacts with UV light to steal the electrons.
Link Covalent bond – Wikipedia A covalent bond, also called a molecular bond, is a chemical bond that involves the sharing of electron pairs between atoms. These electron pairs are known as shared pairs or bonding pairs, and the stable balance of attractive and repulsive forces between atoms, when they share electrons, is known as covalent bonding.
On the website I list many Google Scholar articles that are reviewing photocatalytic coatings with Ti02 and you can see that there is a lot of science available. One such research here: Fighting global warming: The potential of photocatalysis against CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCs, tropospheric O3, BC and other major contributors to climate change “Highlights ► Photocatalysis can destroy all long-lived well mixed GHGs: CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCs, HCFCs. ► Photocatalysis can also eliminate short-lived climate forcers soot, BC, O3, NOx, SOx. ► Indoor and outdoor large scale local pollution remediation applications are given. ► Self cleaning coatings, paints and glass for urban use are commercially available. ► In the near future photocatalysis can help to fight global warming and climate change.”
Notably, 90% of the Tio2 photocatalytic coatings used in the listed and peer-review experiments were using the WEAKER, First Generation photocatalytic coatings and they still had positive results removing pollution and bacteria, but FN NANO is the only Second Generation of these coatings and it is so much stronger. We SHOW our tests on the websites but few others have any tests to show.
It not only cleans the air of pollutants (VOCs, NOx, Particle Matter, and many more) it also keeps the surfaces free of dirt, mold, microorganisms. It also breakdown harmful greenhouse gases like N2O and hydrofluorocarbons and replaces them with the less harmful CO2.
Thus is it a strong, Ecological product since it is sustainable (protects the surface so paint last 3 times longer) and it cleans the air from pollutants and greenhouse gases. Its great in small homes or big arenas, airports, hospitals as well as outside on big and small building exteriors. Just 15 square meters will offset the pollution from one diesel car for at least 10 years. (Our competitor from Italy, Puretti makes the same claim but his coasting needs over 100 square meters for the same result. )
- discovered in Japan 1967, while seeking to separate elements of water (H and O) The first instance of photocatalytic coatings was in Japan where Dr Kobaijashi discovered the process and the reaction of UV light taking eleltrons from compounds.
- Principle, UV and Tio2 steal electrons from compounds, breaking the apart, dissolving them.
- Scientific papers on google scholar
Most interesting targets of Photocatalysis
- Pollution
- Greenhouse Gases [strongest ones]
- Bacteria
- Microorganisms
- Odors
It is difficult to make claims of strength without good tests. It is also difficult to make these same claims WITH good, independent tests.
The following is only a description of our frustration with the comprehension of tests.
Most of our client interest lately is for a coating to fight the coronavirus. Unfortunately there exists NO specific test for coronavirus and we are asked for this all the time. But, we do have a test for viruses, and the are all similar, all organic and about the same in size (40 to 200 nanometers in size). The test for this reduction under laboratory conditions is good, but it is difficult to understand for the common distributor wannabee.
As a result most competition announces results similar to a laundry detergent commercial. These colorful sites and the much larger organizations will obviously have a better reach and marketing system.
As concerns requirements for tests and certifications, we have learned that German clients require a German test. We cannot afford to do tests in each jurisdiction. And when we did a test in Germany they gave us a “passing” grade. Also, it is sometimes the case that Germans will not accept a test by a tough Czech testing agency. This is also true of the Pasteur institute, and the Japanese testing institute.
Therefore, there is a great problem with the marketing when our product has fierce competition.
Also, our ability to ship, market and negotiate with distributors is difficult since larger, more recognized names are better equipped to market the product, and are easier on the distributors contract.
However, we are making better headway in light of the fierce competition.
There are normal, hand-held air meters available that can measure VOC, NOx, Particulate mattter, and others. (Linkphoto). Operating this in a room at a client will demonstrate how bad the office air can be. We take photos before an after. The results are always great.
This is a test of biological material on surfaces. They use these at hospitals to ensure sterile conditions. We have used this in demonstration at the institute where a room had a wall painted ten years ago and the results of bio material on the wall is minimal. And, a wall in the same room that was NOT coated, had very low bio material. A few office rooms down the hall, with similar occupants had very high results; these are normal everyday rooms full of bacteria.
When visiting a potential client, taking in large wall hangings (paintings) done with FN NANO, will make a huge improvement even if only 10% of the wall space is effectively acting on the air in the room.
We stress that the use of FN on walls and ceilings is the best long term solution for the removal of viruss, bacteria, allergens, odors, VOCs and many other contaminants. The reductions shown in before and after tests may not show precisely the reduction and containment of viruses, but it is logival that if all other biological actors are reduced, then we seek to present that viruses are similarly reduced. The long term effect (better than on the spot sprays that are hazardous and wear off) and the fact that this is a purely inorganic coating, reducing contaminants without chemicals, (it is a Mechanical process), is a strong recommendation. +420 606 213 523